An eco-village disign!
its a valley with things either side. bridges over the valley.
so the bod walks in and follows the main road loop, with serveral off-road loops rejoiners.
Sustainable Timber!
has a sustainable timber forest, willow wood mainly.
all home grown!
Sustainable Orchard!
on other side has an orchard, apple mainly.
all home grown too!
the valley also serves as a eco-green-burial site! (including burn-wood cremations, dig-hole and open-burials). as traditions vary here.
some herb bushes near the centre open burial area i think.
also: diverity shrines!
a buddhist one, a hindu one/organic temple and a wicca forest one with meeting areas for sky clad nature lovers...!! click map for bigger version to save and free use.
also a shinto shrine, as they like nature.
all adds character to the place.
another idea is a nudist area! inside building and big green garden next too it! (warm weather allowing). in some cultures that could be an exclusive no-clothes allowed area.
free, paid guided tours of museaum and eco-park/village.
history of eco-town and local area and other projects.
gift shop
selling worth local and fair traide things, local artisans and local timber made products, charms, talismans, bowls, mugs, rugs, skirts, bracelets etc etc.
worth a try.
boozers bar (with 'crowd involved biological' strippers) and sodominaz entertainment bar (search under term sex on this site). woohoo!
good funders, very controversial though....
funding a good cause there and local emplyment. good good, win win.
coffee and tea shop.
plus eat eat snacks.
very important place.
lovely fried ...mag...things humans like yess...
so thats less on the fried-maggots and cooked-insects and beefo-fry and stew then.
more on the tea cakes and fast food. (well i expect maggo fast but)
obsessives Arcade!
fun interactive arcade games
inc. alas i expect gamboling
legion recruit shooting zone
legion recruit avionic combat
legion recruit tank battle sim
legion recruit war-drive truck
legion recruit saucer zap
legion recruit sniper
legion recruit test your strength power!
(hmmm pattern there watchout!)
and others who can edge in past the legion.
inc. mad virgin bull rider
waka zonk (dumb ass hit a padded goon for bell and points etc)
fuk a droid chick (where allowed)
use internet
Eco-Ranger Druid-Hall
enter the mysterious world of the eco-druid rangers and how they worship nature promote nature and keep the park nature friendly and recycle it all.
no vollenteers, all paid positions, hopefully accepting transfer bod.
fireing range.
buy the ammo and use a chained-to-table gun on the underground range and with us ; earth-walled fireing-range target-end, sand-bags at shooters'-end plus bullit-proof shielding and fireing port. ear defenders required. cctv manat=policia relayed security.
inc. heaps of side arms and rifles. big stress release for guys. anger management.
massive range sniper rifle area, long long tunnel.
used by legion too! (they get free ammo! dont fall for it huh?)
dogging site.
has dogging site for evenings and night use by the dogging community.
ie the car-park.
plant a tree or bush area.
like it says, collective group come allong and plant trees poject.
bird boxes and bat boxes and bee boxes and insectoid timber habitats and the such like. good eco going there.
plus eco-community farm
oink oinks and other animals for visit and patt and feed time and fun.
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