the aristos of europe are doing what ever it is they do.
el presididenti not a yank then? - type of link.
supprised a few of them!
Mage Gunk:
Paranoid Skitzophrenia, delusion and denial, and legitamization:
Femminist joins the sex market in eastern brides to escape... well the effects of rabid capitalism for one thing:
"Looking for a Husband with an EU Passport
Another work representative of gender related art that refers to a certain socio–political context, is Tanja Ostojić’s, Looking for a Husband with an EU Passport (2000). The context for this could be named after one of the relevant recent gender art events in the Balkans: Gender and Capital, a conference and exhibition curated by Suzana Milevska, in 2001 in Macedonia. The main theme of this project was defined as “the problem of the reflection of the capital on gender and sexual difference in the countries experiencing a shift from state to market economy.”9 This is reflected by the firing and unemployment of women, the elimination of maternal work-leave, trafficking in women,10 the booming sex-business, the commercialization of images of women, and the subsequent sexist [genderist, no hardcore] media imagery.11 One aspect of this work by Tanja Ostojić can be related to issues of “politics and economy of marriage”12 within post-socialist transitions, defined in terms of West/East relations.
This work was initiated as an interactive Internet project (2000) in which the artist placed an ad with the title of the work accompanied by a photograph of her naked body. The next phase included the distribution of leaflets and posters (2001, Gender and Capital, Skopje)” and a web site displaying her correspondence with ‘suitors.’ As it happened, the artist received around 500 answers from interested guys, some of whom even sent their own photos. As the artist recalls, after six months corresponding with German media artist, Klemens Golf, they met; this was organized as a public performance in front of the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade (Crossing over, 2001). “On January 9, 2002, we got officially married in Belgrade, and with an international marriage certificate I applied for permission to live in the EU. This procedure takes about eight weeks,” Danića exlains. “The next step is to get an EU passport, and I hope it won’t take more then ten years to get it.”13 The artist now lives in Duseldorff and the development of this work-in-progress is framed by her Integration Project.
To gain insight into the kind of gender relations prevailing in East – West marriage rhetoric that this work refers to, it can be enlightening to simply browse through a couple of Russian Brides – Cyber Guides. As one of them says while answering a question whether Russian women’s personalities differ from Western women,
“Yes, they are a bit different. They don’t have a different type of character, and they also love shopping and chatting. They are human beings and they are definitely not perfect. The main difference is that they are much more patient and can tolerate things that Western women will never be able to bear. They are more considerate and dependable. They are partners, not competitors.”14
In her work, Tanja Ostojić politicizes such an image and the position of Eastern European women in relation to Western marriage or the sex industry. Advertising her naked body, she represents it shaved, with no seductiveness and sensuality, thus creating a tension between verbal invitation and visual disturbance.15 Political conflict is suggested by this tension between the verbal and visual: between the slogan, which plays on the notions of her feminine and Eastern availability, and concentration camp aesthetics.
Paralleling the aspect of gender and capital, this work literally deals with the position of an artist without an EU passport within the context of the international art scene, or more universally, of an individual with the wrong nationality. As one of her ‘suitors’ asks her in their e-mail correspondence for her reasons for such pursuit, Tanja replies,
“About my situation...You asked…Since some years I have the chance to travel around Europe mostly because of exhibitions I am participating in. I am from Belgrade, but living abroad since 98. […] Well, I guess you understand... it means that wherever I want to go I have to apply for visa, and I need a lot of papers, time, nerves and money to get it. I am tired of my national identity and I want to change it. Anyway, I do not believe in national values but rather in human ones [anti-human ones, scientifically speaking]. And I feel my nationality as a label, someone else put it to me, it was not my choice, believe me...”16
Thus, public and private aspects intersect in this artwork, with both issues gender and capital [ie whore] and issues relating to borders and nationalities. Moreover, the relation of private to public is an important part of this artist’s work in general. Saying she wants “to construct a platform for discussion of certain social, existential and political subjects,”17 she specifies private and public aspect of artwork as one of them. Zoran Erić interprets this work as a feminist critique of the division between public and private spheres [excellent] and proposes to see the strategies of this work as a deconstruction of the binary opposition of the public/private pair. In this perspective, Tanja Ostojić’s art strategies could be interpreted as constant critical shifting from the negative to the positive [ie distructive skitzophrenia], “with the aim of deconstructing and transgressing the given gender, social and political constraints.”18
In my view, she succeeds in this ‘critical shift’ for several reasons. First, she manages to articulate her personal, private existence as a political one, showing power relations and political, economic and social constraints placed upon the individual along lines including sex and nationality. She then draws attention to it by making it all a public matter. Throughout this process, she assumes active agency by placing an ad, corresponding, choosing a husband and monitoring the integration of the project. In the end, along with public display of procedures of political exclusions constraining her private life, she cynically employs these same procedures [she is them- prude ianna] to acquire that from which they are excluding her. Eventually and with hope, she will obtain this privileged citizenship [aristo idea err comrades? ...is this a comrade?]. It’s probably worth the effort; not insignificantly it is all real, not just a critical textual interplay. " link other things too.
Science guides better.
iannic of course (ie femminist). In this open door bride for sale stunt we can see some interesting dynamics take a hold. Curiously the previously jewish-Marxist state promoted, well jewish-femminism, a liberal-Capitalist creed. Jews? Jew seems to be a Race of semites defined theocratically and racially noted for its hatred of other races and religions (OT). no wonder it appealed to , former, marxists then?.... or rather this divisive semite delusion of their own matriarchal self imposed psyciatric prude and repressed insanity and blame and excuse - which is eneviatable, is instead of being a slut who likes men and freely and sex too (which is biological science thing innit). the divergence from nature was their undoing in the failed transition to adulthood of the species.
dire capitalim. gold obsesson innit?
less socialist which was ok, but over time more capitalist...a triumph?
fleeing like rats from a sinking ship more like!
what made serbia, now no longer at war!, so intollerable?
thats easy, increasing capitalism and market forces. its hell.
socialism (marxism even), war... not that bad by comparison...
The Path to Islam: Shariah.
having no choice as semites when this female delusion takes a hold, the arabs worked a great spin and ..hijack ofcourse, reigning in the rabid greed and avarice of the neurotic prudes; in and under control to some affiliation with scientific realities, though muted.
that or a kinda extinction.
But this is not eneviatable for other races less anthropologically alligned as dove tails with the female (spatal). ie least of all the aryan then (visual).
negro yes to some degree, but negros variate over a wide basis genetically. (easy with hindsight ofcourse).
childish lunatics needed baby sitting and orderlies.
hireing the whore (err neurotic violent ward criminal prude in denial, i mean), seems to work. not for the poor ofcourse, for the aristos favoured, born into wealth! delights of the flesh.
twisted justification of counter-ideology...common place. why bother? change ideology, jump ship, change lane. she did, as far as it goes. took some baggage with her i guess.
did it in style though - apart from the shaved look. sad that.
justification, what is the highest justification? oh hummm....
the gods sacridotalise our actions.
The Road to Mecca of the Merchants.
ahh Mecca, an oasis and temple of all religions, a city of peace and safety! quite the triumph of Baal and Uzza there... mecca didnt fail, it was conqured. some of old mecca survives. pre-scientific era situation.
slaves have one god. has to be a goddess control freak one...not a male
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